
You are fulfilling Jesus' commission to take the Gospel to the world in a very tangible way.

For more than 15 years, Word of Faith Ministries has been taking the Word of God to the world and helping people like you to live in victory.
Be part of our outreach ministry, every salvation, and every life changed.
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By mail

Correspondence to:
Word of Faith Ministry
5379 N. Rocky RD. Douglas, AZ. 85607
You can make your Check or Money Order payable to Word of Faith Ministries

In the services

Tuesday and Thursday 7:00 PM.
Sunday 10:00 AM
at Life of Faith Church
You can make your Check or Money Order payable to Word of Faith Ministries

Word of Faith Ministries is an exempt, nonprofit organization and donations are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law in your jurisdiction.

Donations are received with the understanding that Word of Faith Ministries has complete control over the use of all donated funds.