
We want to know about you and what the Word of God has done in your life. 

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No Fear of Bad News

Blessings to all, I want to thank my pastors publicly for the Word they teach.
My family and I are so thankful to the Lord. Since the 8th week of my pregnancy, I had been diagnosed with a thyroid problem in my blood tests. I had blood drawn at each check-up and it was constant for 1-2 weeks. They said they would give me medicine to bring it to the right level, but my husband and I stood firm in what we believed. We confessed several healing verses and one that God specifically gave us in prayer.

I was never given the pill that doctors said I would have to take. And in the last study at week 21 everything came out normal and without any medication, thank God. We already knew that this would be the case. It is worth mentioning that when they gave me the diagnosis, I was informed of the complications the baby could have, but we were never afraid, and no word of doubt ever came out of our mouths. The baby is healthy and whole.

At week 28 of pregnancy, I was diagnosed with placenta previa, and I had to get ultrasounds done every 2 weeks. I said, the devil doesn't know who he's messing with. Again, my husband and I stood in faith, always at peace and declaring the word. They told me that the delivery would have to be by cesarean section because if the baby was born naturally, it could cause a hemorrhage. However, we continued to walk in the peace of the Lord. The date approached, and at week 38 I had another ultrasound and the doctor said, “well, something doesn't add up,” and he ordered another ultrasound that same day. And thank God, the placenta had already settled, and my baby was born by natural birth without complications.
All glory to God 🙌
Perla Guerra

Thank You for Motivating Us

We are a Bible-believing congregation in Africa, Kenya. We are pleased to inform you that we have gone through your biblical teachings through the pages of ministry and are very happy and eager to learn more. Thank you for motivating our youth and adults about the importance of believing in Christ. -Andrew Mokoro

Greetings from Venice

I want to give many thanks for the Word that every day helps me to live by faith and not by circumstance. Thank you very much from Venice and a cordial greeting from Tudela de Navarra. -Ana Carbonell

If He Did It for Me, He Does It for You

I want to thank God for His infinite grace and favor.
This year started somewhat difficult since my father passed aways. Our family was confronted with unexpected expenses and debts, but thank God, channels of blessings were opened, and the Lord paid those debts.

But I want to share this specific blessing. The roof of my house needed to be replaced for a long time. I was praying that it wouldn't leak and hold up last year, it truly was in bad shape. A few months before my dad died, he repaired the worst part, the most damaged section, which was about 10% of the roof. But he left the rest the same. I was believing for the finances to change it, so in my prayer time the Lord told me “Ask for an estimate, write the vision and I will bring the provision. Set your faith in motion."
I asked for an estimate in May 2023, I met the owner and project manager of the company, Roof Solutions, Mr. Ernesto. He gave me an estimate of $8,500 that month, and I told him it was a "Faith Project" for me. But I had the estimate and put my faith into action.

In October, the same company replaced the roof of one of my neighbors. For 5 months I thanked God for my roof, although at that time the repairs had not even begun. That same month, there were some incidents with the neighbor's work that damaged my property, and I passed a private report to the company. The owner came to my house personally and told me that he was grateful for my integrity, for not posting complaints like so many others on social media. He said, "I see something different in you, I like your integrity."
I told him, “I'm a child of God and I think it's for the best, I want to be a blessing to local businesses.” He was sharing with me about how his company started.
Then, he asked me, if I’d be able to pay 50% of the quote for my roof repair in advance? I said, “not at this time.”
He replied, "I'm a Christian too, and I want to bless you. I understand needs and ‘Faith Projects’.” We continued talking about God's love and favor, and how God had provided for him in difficult circumstances as well. Suddenly he said:
"We're going to install your roof, we’ll see how to do it, you can't spend any more time like this. I doubt it will hold up this winter." "I already know what we're going to do," he said excitedly, "I'll respect the May estimate, I'll pay the advance to buy the materials and I'll leave you an open account, so you can pay it as you can in installments until you finish paying it off. I'll come by in a few days with color swatches for you to choose from."
We agreed that in November they would start the project. I rejoiced so much at that great blessing.

That was the biggest blessing of the year for me. And I thanked God that I had found grace and favor with his son. But now I had to believe and trust for the provision.
The Lord reminded me of the day He said to me through Sister Mireya, our associate pastor, "I never left you and I never abandoned you, I was always with you." He brought me to Joshua 1:9; Behold, I command thee to be strong and courageous; do not be afraid or dismayed, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.
I kept thanking God for His Grace because He is my provider. And every time the thought of, how are you going to pay? came to my mind, I remembered His word: Be strong and courageous, I never forsook you, I never abandoned you."
During the month of December, I was sending several messages to the company asking when I could start paying, and asking how I could make the payments. I always maintained my trust and didn't worry, I put my total trust in His love. BUT...

On Wednesday, December 27th, I was texted with the $10,000 bill and a message from the company. When I saw the amount, my mind was frightened, I immediately remembered, "I never left you, and I never abandoned you." I continued reading the message. "Good afternoon, Erika, thank you for reaching out to us. Ernesto felt it in his heart to bless you by covering the full amount of the project. I just shared the invoice paid in full for your records. Ernesto wants you to know that God's Grace has paid for your new roof and wishes you and your family a Merry Christmas full of health and happiness. Thank you."
When I saw that it said PAID BY THE GRACE OF GOD, I rejoiced so much, until I could not hold back my tears, I knelt in my kitchen giving thanks to God and jumped all over my house. Still in tears, I called my pastor to give her the wonderful news.

I want to encourage you and remind you that God is so good and faithful, that His love, His favor, and Grace are active in our lives. It only requires us to be courageous as He brings our victory into manifestation. That he's too faithful to leave us, too loving to do things halfway. What He begins, He finishes. Because His Grace said, "It is finished." Erika Ruiz.